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Tiếp viên của Southwest Airlines bị đánh mất 2 cái răng

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Tiếp viên của Southwest Airlines bị đánh mất 2 cái răng  Empty Tiếp viên của Southwest Airlines bị đánh mất 2 cái răng

Post by 8DonCo Wed May 26, 2021 4:56 pm

A Southwest flight attendant loses two teeth after an altercation with a passenger. Union calls for more safeguards

Following a series of incidents aboard aircraft, including an assault that left a flight attendant with facial injuries and two missing teeth, the union representing Southwest Airlines' flight attendants is urging the company to take stronger steps to protect its members from an "epidemic of aggression and assault."

"We are asking our carrier, the government and the flying public's help in ending this epidemic of aggression and assault. Flight attendants are first responders in the sky who are focused on safety. As people return to the skies, we are asking for everyone's help in complying with flight attendant requests to help ensure a safe and fun atmosphere for all," TWU Local 556 President Lyn Montgomery said in a statement to CNN.

Montgomery said that there were 477 passenger misconduct incidents on Southwest Airlines aircraft between April 8 and May 15, in an open letter to Chief Executive Officer and Chairman Gary Kelly that was sent to union members and posted on its Facebook page.

"This unprecedented number of incidents has reached an intolerable level, with passenger non-compliance events also becoming more aggressive in nature," she wrote.

Southwest Airlines spokesman Chris Mainz said the carrier does not "condone or tolerate verbal or physical abuse of our flight crews."

On Sunday, a Southwest passenger was arrested on suspicion of felony battery causing serious injury after she allegedly struck a flight attendant during a flight from Sacramento to San Diego, according to a statement from the Port of San Diego Harbor Police Department.

"The passenger repeatedly ignored standard inflight instructions (tray table in upright position, seat belt, etc.) and became verbally and physically abusive upon landing," Mainz told CNN.

Paramedics took the flight attendant to a San Diego hospital for treatment, police said.

CNN was unable to reach the passenger for comment and it is not known if she has an attorney.

Montgomery cited Sunday's altercation in her letter and said the flight attendant had injuries to her face and lost two teeth.

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