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Tesla is laying off workers who only just started and...

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Tesla is laying off workers who only just started and... Empty Tesla is laying off workers who only just started and...

Post by Business Insider Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:59 pm

Tesla workers who started their jobs only months or even weeks ago have been let go while others have had offers withdrawn as the company begins to impose cuts announced by Elon Musk in early June.
Insider found a number of posts from Tesla employees who said they'd been laid off as part of the cut, while others had their job offers rescinded. 

Business Insider

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Tesla is laying off workers who only just started and... Empty TEROGDtCjX

Post by Business Insider Wed Jul 06, 2022 5:09 pm

A Tesla employee of nearly 5 years says he was sacked over the phone while on vacation

A former Tesla employee who worked at the company for nearly five years says he was sacked over the phone by his manager while on vacation, according to a sworn declaration filed in a Texas court.

The declaration, seen by Insider, was made by Roosevelt Jointer, who says he worked as a maintenance supervisor at Tesla from September 2017 until he was fired last month.

"While I was on vacation, my manager called me on June 10, 2022 and told me that I was going to be let go effectively immediately," Jointer, of Reno, Nevada, says in the declaration, which was filed in court Tuesday.

Jointer added: "I did not receive any advance notice that I would be losing my job. Up to that point, no one at Tesla ever raised any issues with me regarding my performance."

He continued: "During this call, my manager told me that I would receive a severance offer over an e-mail and urged me to sign a separation agreement to get a severance payment of one week's salary."

He added: "I did not sign the agreement."

Business Insider

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