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Microsoft takes down Vietnamese group behind 750 million fake accounts

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Microsoft takes down Vietnamese group behind 750 million fake accounts Empty Microsoft takes down Vietnamese group behind 750 million fake accounts

Post by 8DonCo Sat Dec 16, 2023 2:00 am

Microsoft announced that it has dismantled a Vietnam-based group that created and sold 750 million fraudulent accounts to other hackers.
In an announcement published Thursday, Microsoft said it has identified three individuals and infrastructure behind Storm-1152, a group that runs illicit websites and social media pages, selling fraudulent Microsoft accounts and tools to bypass identity verification software across well-known technology platforms. 
These services streamline the process for criminals to engage in various illegal and harmful online activities.
Storm-1152 has until today generated approximately 750 million fake Microsoft accounts, earning significant illegal profits, it said.
The company explained that Storm-1152 was integral to the cybercrime-as-a-service sector, providing essential fraudulent accounts for automated criminal activities.
With companies swiftly identifying and closing fake accounts, criminals need more accounts to bypass these defenses.
Rather than creating these accounts themselves, they purchase them from groups like Storm-1152. This service enables criminals to concentrate on activities like phishing, spamming, ransomware, and other fraudulent and abusive acts, making their operations more efficient and effective.
As part of its investigation, Microsoft has confirmed the identity of three individuals leading Storm-1152’s operations, Duong Dinh Tu, Nguyen Van Linh and Nguyen Van Tai, all based in Vietnam.

Microsoft takes down Vietnamese group behind 750 million fake accounts Stormdp3-1738-1702629886

Microsoft takes down Vietnamese group behind 750 million fake accounts C7f64202b0357f04c779d805f437c5fc

Microsoft takes down Vietnamese group behind 750 million fake accounts JQrjmZ


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Microsoft takes down Vietnamese group behind 750 million fake accounts Empty Re: Microsoft takes down Vietnamese group behind 750 million fake accounts

Post by CatLan Sat Dec 16, 2023 2:31 pm

Tui có người quen bị hack FB, email & Amazon account. Tìm ra là 1 tên ở Hà Nội.

"Tài sản lớn nhất của đời người là sức khoẻ và trí tuệ."

Blow Kiss


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Microsoft takes down Vietnamese group behind 750 million fake accounts Empty Re: Microsoft takes down Vietnamese group behind 750 million fake accounts

Post by 8DonCo Sat Dec 16, 2023 2:40 pm

Đứng sau 3 thăng nầy còn nhiều nữa nhưng họ chọn VN làm base vì khó truy tố tội phạm

nhiều khi sau lưng là thằng Ấn hay Tàu, vụ nầy thì Ấn cao hơn

Microsoft takes down Vietnamese group behind 750 million fake accounts C7f64202b0357f04c779d805f437c5fc

Microsoft takes down Vietnamese group behind 750 million fake accounts JQrjmZ


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