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Bahamas cruise diverted to Canada

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Bahamas cruise diverted to Canada Empty Bahamas cruise diverted to Canada

Post by 8DonCo Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:18 am

Passengers on the cruise ship MSC Meraviglia didn’t get the balmy getaway they were expecting.
The ship, scheduled to sail to the Bahamas this week, instead headed to New England and Canada “due to unseasonable and rapidly worsening weather that would have made it impossible to safely reach the southern Atlantic Ocean from New York City,” Field Sutton, director of communications, MSC Cruises USA, told CNN via email.

The last-minute change left guests scrambling.

Lakeya Allen of Bloomington, Illinois, told CNN she was notified of the itinerary change around 8:30 p.m. Friday, just hours before she planned to head to Chicago with her three children to catch an early flight to New York City.
“Once I got the notification, I rushed to Walmart to try and get my family winter clothes. I grabbed whatever I could, but Walmart was closing early that night, so we had to just bring what we had packed. We still have shorts, bathing suits and sunscreen with us,” Allen said.

“If the email did say anything about getting a refund or credit, it was in the fine print because I didn’t see anything. I was hoping they would reroute the ship once we got to New York.”
Guests were given a choice to cancel their trip for a future cruise credit at their convenience or to sail on the new itinerary, the cruise line’s statement said.

“The only alternative would have been to take the more extreme step of cancelling the cruise — and thousands of people’s vacations — outright. The complexities involved in obtaining last-minute berths for unplanned stops and provisioning the ship along its new route left a sailing to Canada and New England as the only viable option,” the statement added.

A huge change of plans

Allen said she had been planning her family’s trip to the Bahamas since February as a Christmas gift for her children and already had family waiting for them on the island and in New York City.
“I told myself that we would do something different this year and instead of buying gifts, we were going to travel and make memories,” Allen told CNN.

“At first, everyone tried to make the most of it, so in the video you see kids jumping in the outdoor pool even though we were in New York, and it was 40 degrees, but we’ve all congregated around the indoor pool so now that pool is crowded,” Allen said.

Allen and her family spent the first two days of the cruise in Boston, where she says they spent Sunday on the ship because it rained. The following day, they got off the boat with other passengers to go in search of sweaters and coats.

“We’re in Portland now and on TikTok trying to find what to do in Portland or what’s in this area because we didn’t plan for this” Allen said. “The boat is beautiful, but I didn’t want to leave the cold weather to go to another place with cold weather. I just wanted to be in the sun.”
The MSC Meraviglia is scheduled to arrive in Saint John in the Canadian province of New Brunswick on Thursday after the stops in Boston and Portland, according to a social media post from Port Saint John.
The weather forecast there calls for a high of 27 degrees F (-3 C) and a low of 12 F (-11 C) on Thursday.

Itinerary changes

Cruise ships frequently skip or change ports of call and reserve the right to do so in their contracts of carriage.
MSC’s says “The Carrier does not guarantee that the Cruise Ship will call at any or every advertised port or follow any particular route or time schedule.”
Itinerary changes often are in the same region and involve diversions around weather systems.

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Bahamas cruise diverted to Canada Empty Re: Bahamas cruise diverted to Canada

Post by 8DonCo Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:19 am

Xui , tính du lịch miền nắng ấm giờ lạnh teo luôn  Bahamas cruise diverted to Canada 3507324239

Bahamas cruise diverted to Canada C7f64202b0357f04c779d805f437c5fc

Bahamas cruise diverted to Canada JQrjmZ


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Bahamas cruise diverted to Canada Empty Re: Bahamas cruise diverted to Canada

Post by Rice Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:25 am

xui thiệt chứ

bởi tui chưa bao giờ đi vac vào tuần school break tháng 2 cả, vì 50% là bị bão tuyết ko đi được đúng ngày hoặc ko về được đúng ngày .
Tui đi Europe chuyến này book hotel cũng book mắc hơn $15/night có option cancel trước 24 hours chứ lở bên kia hay bên đây tuyết đi ko được thì sao, vé máy bay đi ko được due to weather thì dùng within a year được


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Bahamas cruise diverted to Canada Empty Re: Bahamas cruise diverted to Canada

Post by ga10 Thu Dec 21, 2023 10:45 am

Đang ở NY đi cruise xuống Bahamas cho ấm ai dè ending up đi lên CAD còn lạnh hơn nửa! 0 biết cruiseline có cho partial credits for future cruise 0 nửa!

Nhiều năm trước tụi này đi cruise đang lẽ phải tới đão Curacao which we have never been there. Nhưng xui gặp bão nên họ divert sang Bahamas which we have been there many times! But that was just 1 island that we missed out and not the entire itinerary. I would definitely request for some kind of credits if they change the entire cruise to go somewhere else that I don't even want to go.

Cho tới bây giờ cũng chưa có cơ hội đi Curacao nửa.


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Bahamas cruise diverted to Canada Empty Re: Bahamas cruise diverted to Canada

Post by Rice Thu Dec 21, 2023 11:10 am

Gà: nếu cruise đổi route due to weather, $1 credit cũng ko có đâu . Gạo biết tại years ago người làm chung cũng bị, dân New England tính đi cruise Caribbean mà ended up going to Bermuda (not too bad, chứ đi NE là chở củi về rừng), chị đó nói là cruise ko cho any incentives at all tại weather, thậm chí cũng ko cho cancel luôn


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Bahamas cruise diverted to Canada Empty Re: Bahamas cruise diverted to Canada

Post by LoveStory08 Fri Dec 22, 2023 3:37 pm

Wow, that messes up peoples plan!


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