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Post by LoveStory08 Tue Dec 24, 2024 6:06 am

ga10 wrote:
LoveStory08 wrote:
Qtip wrote:Tutu - những người tới mua hàng tiệm này hầu hết là senior citizen, thấy họ cũng mua đó. Teletron quảng cáo tấm nệm gì mà có thêu hình bằng chỉ bằng vàng thật King size onsale là $11,000  Queen $9,000 người Việt mình giàu ghê Smile
Theu đep.  Mine costed lesser than half of that!

Gà nghỉ Teletron họ hay targeted mấy người VN lớn tuổi hay mới qua 0 biết search trên internet for better deals.  Hồi đó my elderly aunt cũng bị dụ mua cái massage chair $10K+ trả góp trong khi tiền SSN hằng tháng bả nhận có $700 rồi còn phải trả tiền rent, insurance, gas, và foods nửa.

Họ nói với bả mổi ngày chỉ tốn vài đồng thôi nên bả nghe thấy rẻ quá.  Sau khi Gà found out thì phoned tới họ mắng vốn và kêu họ tới lấy cái ghế về lại bởi vì she cannot afford it and will default the loan.  But they never did and that chair just sat in her apartment collecting dust because she was afraid to use it.  
I’ve never heard of teletron until now.. If what you’re telling me ís true, then I believe they practiced very poor búsiness ethics.


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Để kể nghe... - Page 2 Empty Re: Để kể nghe...

Post by ga10 Tue Dec 24, 2024 6:19 am

LoveStory08 wrote:I’ve never heard of teletron until now.. If what you’re telling me ís true, then I believe they practiced very poor búsiness ethics.

We always wonder how Teletron can be in business because I don't see a lot of people buying their stuff other those people that got sucked in. Their store in Eden is very big and the monthly rent must be very high. Yet every year they seem to have money to organize those music festivals where they invited lots of singers to perform.

My husband thinks Teletron is just a front for money laundering so they don't care if it's a losing business and they still operate.


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Để kể nghe... - Page 2 Empty Re: Để kể nghe...

Post by LoveStory08 Tue Dec 24, 2024 6:26 am

ga10 wrote:
LoveStory08 wrote:I’ve never heard of teletron until now.. If what you’re telling me ís true, then I believe they practiced very poor búsiness ethics.

We always wonder how Teletron can be in business because I don't see a lot of people buying their stuff other those people that got sucked in.  Their store in Eden is very big and the monthly rent must be very high.  Yet every year they seem to have money to organize those music festivals where they invited lots of singers to perform.

My husband thinks Teletron is just a  front for money laundering so they don't care if it's a losing business and they still operate.

Gôod business tactic —investing into mârketing by inviting celebrities to promote their business..


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