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U4GM: Master the Art of Trading Caps in Fallout 76

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U4GM: Master the Art of Trading Caps in Fallout 76 Empty U4GM: Master the Art of Trading Caps in Fallout 76

Post by videogame Thu Jan 09, 2025 9:53 am

Many players who have purchased bottle caps from U4GM want to know how to trade in Fallout 76. This article will guide you through the process of trading in the game.

PC players please provide the correct Bethesda ID, XBOX players please provide the correct XBOX Tag, PS4 players please provide the correct PSN ID.

We will add you as a friend in the game, please accept the friend request. After adding a friend, please enter our world and fast trade to our map. We will initiate a trade with you. Accept the request. If you have buy cheap Fallout 76 Caps in U4GM, then please sell an item for the amount of Caps your puchased, we will buy your item; if you bought weapons, we will sell weapon price for 0 Cap, you can complete the trade by clicking on the purchase.

Note: One of your character can not exceed 40,000 caps.

Specific Steps :

1.After you ordered, you will receive a Friend Invite.
2.Open the social panel and click Accept Friend Invite.
3.Click to join our world.
4.Enter the world.
5.After entering the world, click on us and fast trave to our map
6.We will invite a trade with you.
7.Accept the trade invite.
8.This is the trading page.
9.We will mark the weapon (item) you ordered with a price of 0 Caps, you click to buy.
10.You can also click on the weapon (item) you purchased in our inventory.
11.We will also set the price for 0 Caps, then you click to buy.
12.Trading caps. The maximum transaction limit for a single item is 5000 caps.
13.If you purchased 10,000 caps. You can sell 2 same items each for 5,000 Caps.
14.We will buy your items and you will get the Bottle Cap.

Whether you are buy Fallout 76 items or caps at U4GM, this guide above will help you. Also this type of transaction will keep your account safe as it is a legitimate transaction.



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