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Asian American workers could be the most heavily affected by AI

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Asian American workers could be the most heavily affected by AI Empty Asian American workers could be the most heavily affected by AI

Post by Asian Americans Sat Aug 05, 2023 1:27 am

Asian Americans and women in the workforce are the most concentrated in fields where AI could assist or replace their job tasks, according to new research.
“Asian workers have the greatest degree of formal education,” Kochhar said. “They are more likely to be represented in jobs that are more analytical, that deal with the latest technologies. And that is precisely where artificial intelligence functions.”

Hispanic workers, he said, rank on the lower level of AI exposure, as much of the population works in physical labor.

“They tend to be concentrated in construction, or in maintenance or landscaping occupations where AI does not yet extend,” he said. “It may in the future.”

There is also a significant difference in AI exposure between women and men in the workforce, the study found. Twenty-one percent of women are in jobs that are most exposed to AI, compared to 17 percent of men. Women tend to dominate jobs in health and education, Kochhar said, while men make up more of industries like construction or manufacturing.


Asian Americans

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