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Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe

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Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe Empty Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe

Post by Rice Tue Mar 19, 2024 8:28 am

Gà, please share your thoughts/reviews on your recent cruise.

what was/were the highlight(s) of the trip for you? anything you didn't like, which cruiseline, etc. ... anything you remember and can share. Thanks.

v/c Gạo I've considered chuyến cruise này mà chưa bao giờ có dịp đi, hình chuyến cruise này ko có offer regularly.



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Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe Empty Re: Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe

Post by ga10 Tue Mar 19, 2024 9:02 am

Below is our itinerary on the Princess Ruby ship. It's an older ship but our room was bigger than Carnival, Norwegian, and Royal Carribean. Our total cost for the Outside room with Obstructed View was around $2400/couple (not including tips nor any shore excursions). We booked through Vacation To Go because we got a better deal than if we book directly on Princess or through Costco Travel.

We did NOT have a drink package nor internet included. We did try Specialty Dining for 1 evening at their Steak House for $40/person extra plus tips. I had Chilean Seabass and my husband had filet mignon and both were very good but not as hot as we like.

If you decide to do specialty dining then you should book ÂSAP since they get fill up very quickly especially on sea days. We ended up reserving for one evening on a port dáy because we booked too late.

The waiters and room attendants were very friendly. No complain about their services so we tipped extra at the end in addition to the $16/day per person charge. The maitre-d was the one that helped us booked our specialty dining since everything was completely booked for each evening unless you want to eat at 8PM which is very late for us.

Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe 433265238_341783865483144_6189904656415618809_n.png?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=0m54mtj_hNsAX_GPV7j&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-2


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Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe Empty Re: Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe

Post by LoveStory08 Tue Mar 19, 2024 9:10 am

Chi Ga di cruise khong bi motion sickness ha? Very Happy


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Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe Empty Re: Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe

Post by ga10 Tue Mar 19, 2024 9:19 am


1) The ship only did a partial Panama Canal (meaning it did not go all the way to CA). It went through the Canal and turned around back so we have 2 opportunities to see the Canal twice. It was interesting to see how it works once. Basically the water in the lake is higher than the sea so we have to go through 3 locks (3 sections) where they locked down the section and fill up the water to equal to the next chamber then they open up the door for the ship to go through to the next level. They have 3 water reservoirs on the side to fill up the water (or to drain out the water when you return to lower your ship down).

2) We enjoyed Falmouth, Limon and Grand Cayman. We were on Colon for only 3 hours so we did not do anything much except to visit a Chủrch and ended up vẻnturing in a bad neighborhood. I raised the concern with my bro when we walked thru there because I noticed how run down the houses are and many of them have mean looking dogs guarding their houses eventhough they looked pretty rough. My bro thinks it must be okay since kids were playing in the yard. Everyone looked at us when we entered the Church. We did prayers then make a donation and then left the Church but took a different route to go back to the ship. An older lady saw us heading to another street and attempted to stop us by saying "Iglesia es Buena. Pero esta calle no bueno". Luckily I recalled my Highschool Spanish classes and told my bro I think she's telling us "Going to Chủrch is good but going down that street was not"! She even gestured a gun with her hand when pointing to that street so I believe she's saying they might shoot us. Hence, we turned around and walked back where we came from. We encountered 3 police on the way back and they asked where we are going and we told them to the Princess cruise and they told us just to walk straight on this street until we get to the port. Some other guy yelled out "Why you are here?" and we just quietly walked passed them because we did not think it's a good idea to engage them further!



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Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe Empty Re: Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe

Post by ga10 Tue Mar 19, 2024 9:39 am

LoveStory08 wrote:Chi Ga di cruise khong bi motion sickness ha? Very Happy

Gà lucky là chỉ feel a little queasy nếu the sea is rough. 2022 lúc đi New Zealand/Australia cruise có bửa sea was very rough and everyone was sick including the crew members but I only felt a little queasy. Everyone stayed in their rooms including my husband but I went upstairs to study for my CPE. Dishes were crashing in the kitchen left and right (I can hear them).

The ship was handing out seasick medicine to everyone and hung bags all over the ship for people to throw up in but I was feeling relatively okay!


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Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe Empty Re: Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe

Post by Rice Tue Mar 19, 2024 10:19 am

Gà: thanks for taking the time to share your Panama cruise experiences. Sounds like except seeing the Canal, the cruise ports were not that interesting.
Đọc Gà kể vụ venturing into scary neighborhood, Gạo đọc mà cu~gn thấy sợ . Similar thing happened to my brother during his honeymoon in Jamaica, tới giờ ổng còn sợ .
Chắc phải suy nghĩ lại vụ đi Panama cruise.


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Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe Empty Re: Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe

Post by nhatrangdep Tue Mar 19, 2024 10:35 am

hồi xưa có đi cruise ghé qua Jamaica cũng sợ
tàu mới tấp vô là họ cứ nèo nèo đi theo đòi chở mình đi mà họ đi theo dai lắm làm mình cũng teo teo ..


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Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe Empty Re: Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe

Post by LoveStory08 Tue Mar 19, 2024 11:10 am

ga10 wrote:
LoveStory08 wrote:Chi Ga di cruise khong bi motion sickness ha? Very Happy

Gà lucky là chỉ feel a little queasy nếu the sea is rough.  2022 lúc đi New Zealand/Australia cruise có bửa sea was very rough and everyone was sick including the crew members but I only felt a little queasy.  Everyone stayed in their rooms including my husband but I went upstairs to study for my CPE.  Dishes were crashing in the kitchen left and right (I can hear them).

The ship was handing out seasick medicine to everyone and hung bags all over the ship for people to throw up in but I was feeling relatively okay!  

Vay la chi ga manh..Love đi hawaii muon cai ship nho thoi muh muon oi Len oi xuong


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Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe Empty Re: Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe

Post by ga10 Tue Mar 19, 2024 11:11 am

Rice wrote:Gà: thanks for taking the time to share your Panama cruise experiences. Sounds like except seeing the Canal, the cruise ports were not that interesting.
Đọc Gà kể vụ venturing into scary neighborhood, Gạo đọc mà cu~gn thấy sợ . Similar thing happened to my brother during his honeymoon in Jamaica, tới giờ ổng còn sợ .
Chắc phải suy nghĩ lại vụ đi Panama cruise.

Limon & Grand Cayman have nice beaches and we were able to buy some fruits like papaya & mãng cầu dai in the store for relatively inexpensive price. On Cargtegena (?) some Vietnamese lady that we met on the cruise got some Vú Sữa for $5 for 4 big one and she gave me one. That was the 1st time I ate vũ sữa since I left VN in 1975.

Here is the pix of our ship approaching the 3 locks at the canal. You can see the 3 different levels in the 1st pix and you can see the water draining out in the 2nd pix when we turned around by the water marks against the wall (this pix was taken from the dining room inside so the window was dirty)!

Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe 432768866_3747397468878055_4648073821766343594_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=wkEA62bsKk4AX_drU-6&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-2

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Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe Empty Re: Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe

Post by ga10 Tue Mar 19, 2024 11:15 am

Rice wrote:Gà: thanks for taking the time to share your Panama cruise experiences. Sounds like except seeing the Canal, the cruise ports were not that interesting.
Đọc Gà kể vụ venturing into scary neighborhood, Gạo đọc mà cu~gn thấy sợ . Similar thing happened to my brother during his honeymoon in Jamaica, tới giờ ổng còn sợ .
Chắc phải suy nghĩ lại vụ đi Panama cruise.

Limon & Grand Cayman have nice beaches and we were able to buy some fruits like papaya & mãng cầu dai in the store for relatively inexpensive price.  On Cargtegena (?) some Vietnamese lady that we met on the cruise got some Vú Sữa for $5 for 4 big one and she gave me one.  That was the 1st time I ate vũ sữa since I left VN in 1975.

Here is the pix of our ship approaching the 3 locks at the canal.  You can see the 3 different levels in the 1st pix and you can see the water draining out in the 2nd pix when we turned around by the water marks against the wall (this pix was taken from the dining room inside so the window was dirty)!

Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe 432768866_3747397468878055_4648073821766343594_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=wkEA62bsKk4AX_drU-6&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-2

Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe 419125558_668606755315321_3265524009091094706_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=Gh0_Jyo53UoAX_TNKCw&_nc_oc=Adg1yQZvefdt4Lrfse3DFWMkX6Y2Qa_wwyKb19amE1SM05JPM92sKs4SVGxhJ54q-Zg&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-2


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Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe Empty Re: Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe

Post by ga10 Tue Mar 19, 2024 11:18 am

Còn đây là vài tấm hình chụp ở one of the zoo right next to the port (chụp với cái nón cái bang). Kỳ này 0 có đi chung với vợ chồng đứa cháu nên cũng rất ít chụp hình vì 2 đứa đó thích chụp hình lắm. Bởi vậy 0 có nhiều hình at all!

Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe 432721147_396783069741575_7734869768292844503_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=fJVzNIS_BqIAX97elAH&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-2

Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe 432816816_1576865519716190_2043367767981409268_n.jpg?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=zj45003lkLcAX8cF1zN&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-2

Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe 431233599_436125539060675_6252581404978421991_n.jpg?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=qENkzCwPeRYAX9eQ0Zm&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1


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Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe Empty Re: Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe

Post by ga10 Tue Mar 19, 2024 11:23 am

At a fort in Cartagena!

Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe 428646092_10233525455504468_1002760363307319552_n.jpg?stp=cp6_dst-jpg&_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=CodH-RLwzTgAX92__PF&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-2

Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe 428628580_10233525455024456_8569449543076585907_n.jpg?stp=cp6_dst-jpg&_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=1Yd0OmoFlZgAX8ci_Cb&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1



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Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe Empty Re: Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe

Post by Rice Tue Mar 19, 2024 11:37 am

Gà nhìn trẻ hoài, ko già tí nào .

g/đ đi chơi vui quá Gà, ngưỡng mộ nhen!


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Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe Empty Re: Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe

Post by ga10 Tue Mar 19, 2024 11:43 am

Làm gì có chuyện trẽ mãi 0 già! Phải ráng hưởng thụ đi chơi đi vì 10 năm nửa chưa chắc mình còn sức khoẻ để đi (hoặc spouse mình 0 đi được thì mình cũng phải ở nhà)!


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Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe Empty Re: Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe

Post by LoveStory08 Tue Mar 19, 2024 11:45 am

Hinh đep chi Ga..đi choi vui ai cung thich đi..muh cung met lam


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Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe Empty Re: Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe

Post by ga10 Tue Mar 19, 2024 2:10 pm

Nhờ 1 thằng trẻ chụp dùm group pix bởi vì cứ sợ mấy ông bà già lọng cọng 0 thấy đường chụp rồi cutoff tùm lum! The below was the pix he took for us at the Columbia sign! Bo Tay

Lần sau rút kinh nghiệm nhờ nhỏ con gái chụp dùm vì nghỉ con gái thích chụp hình làm dáng thì chắc sẽ chụp đẹp hơn. Ai dè nó đưa cái camera kêu bà già nó chụp dùm vì her hands were dirty she said!

Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe 430990753_2429561687245537_5145829009310648299_n.png?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=XyVdjF5ldroAX_i68Mw&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1


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Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe Empty Re: Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe

Post by ga10 Tue Mar 19, 2024 2:30 pm

Ăn trái cây!

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Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe Empty Re: Gà ơi: vô kể chuyến Panama cruise nghe

Post by TuTu Tue Mar 19, 2024 6:51 pm

Service trên cruise van còn good không chi.Gà ?


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