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Corona: Israel cảnh báo: Delta trở lại? Lo sợ Delta trở lại

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New Re: Corona: Israel cảnh báo: Delta trở lại? Lo sợ Delta trở lại

Post by 8DonCo Wed Jan 05, 2022 2:30 pm

sao ít vậy ? should be 3,4 triệu

nhiều người tự test mà không có report

Corona: Israel cảnh báo: Delta trở lại? Lo sợ Delta trở lại - Page 2 C7f64202b0357f04c779d805f437c5fc

Corona: Israel cảnh báo: Delta trở lại? Lo sợ Delta trở lại - Page 2 JQrjmZ


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New Re: Corona: Israel cảnh báo: Delta trở lại? Lo sợ Delta trở lại

Post by LDN Wed Jan 05, 2022 2:45 pm

Ldn đọc báo tiếng đức và tìm báo tiếng việt nói vậy. Báo đức là của hôm nay, báo việt 2 hôm trước rồi. Hồi nãy coi youtube clip ông datnguyen ở Mỹ nói tìm mua test không có. Có lẽ do vậy 1 phần nên chỉ là 1 triệu/24h?

Đúng rồi có khi bị nhưng không báo nên thống kê như vậy.

Có nhiều em bé bị nhiễm omicron nặng lắm nên lo tại có 2 cháu nhỏ. Nhưng mới đọc stiko đức= viện chuyên về dịch tể đức khuyến cáo trẻ em từ 5-11 tuổi có bệnh nền nên tiêm còn thì tùy, nếu cha mẹ muốn thì các bé cũng được tiêm. Đọc như vậy cũng bớt lo. Hmmm.

~ bài viết về Sách:



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New Re: Corona: Israel cảnh báo: Delta trở lại? Lo sợ Delta trở lại

Post by LDN Thu Jan 06, 2022 3:52 pm

Omicron ở Tây Ban nha.

Bài học cho nước Đức (và các nước khác).

Tây Ban Nha đang phải đối mặt với 2 làn sóng corona dù tiêm ngừa hơn 90% trong dân chúng trên 12 tuổi rồi.

2 làn sóng là bởi 2 biến chủng Delta và Omicron.

Những điểm chính trong bài báo này:

Quatantaene cách ly chỉ còn 7 ngày cho người nhiễm ngay cả những trường hợp bị nghi là nhiễm, lây mà chưa tiêm ngừa.

Mỗi ngày ở TBN có thêm 390.000 người nhiễm mới. Chuyên gia nói con số này thật ra nhiều hơn vì cơ quan thẩm quyền không theo dõi những ca nhiễm bệnh nhẹ.

Vì Omicron không sợ vakzin và vẫn tấn công được những người đã tiêm vakzin nên số người nhiễm mỗi ngày cao như vậy.

Link nguồn:


~ bài viết về Sách:



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New Re: Corona: Israel cảnh báo: Delta trở lại? Lo sợ Delta trở lại

Post by LDN Thu Jan 06, 2022 4:22 pm

Tôi tính đưa biểu đồ trong bài báo nói về corona ở Tây Ban Nha vào nhưng bị lỗi nên thay vào đó dữ liệu này. Chủ ý là muốn so sánh số người tiêm vakzin - bị nhiễm - bị chết. VN cho đến hôm nay đã có trên 33 ngàn người chết vì corona.

Nguồn Vnexpress 

Tình hình Corona 

    Thống kê theo quốc gia, tôi chỉ lấy vài nước 
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  • Tây Ban Nha


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Last edited by LDN on Thu Jan 06, 2022 5:52 pm; edited 5 times in total

~ bài viết về Sách:



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New Re: Corona: Israel cảnh báo: Delta trở lại? Lo sợ Delta trở lại

Post by LDN Thu Jan 06, 2022 4:35 pm

Tiêm mũi thứ 3 booster chống omicron rất hữu hiệu tới 88%, giúp không bị nhiễm nặng phải vào nhà thương.

Theo thống kê của cơ quan y tế Mỹ.


Last edited by LDN on Sat Jan 08, 2022 1:11 pm; edited 1 time in total


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New Re: Corona: Israel cảnh báo: Delta trở lại? Lo sợ Delta trở lại

Post by LDN Fri Jan 07, 2022 5:52 pm

Đức hôm nay thứ 7, 08.01.2022

Mới coi tin tức trong TV.

Cho đến hôm nay đã có 71,6% người dân tiêm mũi thứ 2, tiêm đầy đủ. Hôm nay có 268 người chết vì corona.

~ bài viết về Sách:



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New Biontech/Pfizer bắt đầu sản xuất vakzin chống Omicron,tháng 3 cung cấp

Post by LDN Tue Jan 11, 2022 6:53 pm

Biontech/Pfizer bắt đầu sản xuất vakzin chống Omicron,tháng 3 cung cấp.

Tháng 1 nghiên cứu lâm sàng, tháng 3 năm 2022 có thể cung cấp nếu được cấp phép.


~ bài viết về Sách:



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New Re: Corona: Israel cảnh báo: Delta trở lại? Lo sợ Delta trở lại

Post by LDN Wed Jan 12, 2022 3:39 am

Nhiều tin tức trong bài báo này. 1 bài nói về phát ngôn của chuyên gia Mỹ ông Anthony Fauci: hầu như mỗi người chúng ta sớm hay muộn sẽ bị dính Omicron.


~ bài viết về Sách:



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New Re: Corona: Israel cảnh báo: Delta trở lại? Lo sợ Delta trở lại

Post by LDN Mon Jan 17, 2022 6:17 am

CoronaVac của Tàu không chống được omicron.
Trong bài báo này có vài tin về booster & omicron nữa, sẽ thêm vào sau.


~ bài viết về Sách:



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New Re: Corona: Israel cảnh báo: Delta trở lại? Lo sợ Delta trở lại

Post by LDN Tue Jan 18, 2022 9:53 am

Mới đọc tựa thôi là đưa tin lên liền cho còn nóng sốt😄

Khẩu trang FFP2 chống Omicron rất tốt, hữu hiệu hơn chống Delta .


Bài báo tiếng anh:


~ bài viết về Sách:



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New Re: Corona: Israel cảnh báo: Delta trở lại? Lo sợ Delta trở lại

Post by LDN Tue Jan 18, 2022 11:30 am

Kết quả khảo cứu FFP2 chống omicron rất tốt...là khảo cứu của viện Max Planck, rất nổi tiếng trên thế giới, có nhiều cộng sự viên đoạt giải Nobel khoa học.

Tôi giới thiệu như vậy để quảng cáo không công cho viện M.P. 😄



~ bài viết về Sách:



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New Re: Corona: Israel cảnh báo: Delta trở lại? Lo sợ Delta trở lại

Post by LDN Fri Jan 21, 2022 4:46 am

Trở về từ cõi chết’ do nhiễm Covid, cô gái gốc Việt kêu gọi chích vaccine

Kalynh Ngô

20 tháng 1, 2022 - Sài Gòn nhỏ 

Wynter Hồ trong ngày xuất viện. Ảnh: Wynter Hồ

FOUNTAIN VALLEY, Calif. – “Chết đi sống lại” hoặc “sinh ra lần hai” là trường hợp của cô gái 26 tuổi, Wynter Hồ, cư dân thành phố Garden Grove, California, sau sáu tháng chống chọi với Covid-19 trong bệnh viện Fountain Valley Hospital.

Sáu tháng chiến đấu với tử thần

Tất cả thành viên trong gia đình của cô đều bị nhiễm Covid, nhưng may mắn qua khỏi chỉ sau hai tuần với những triệu chứng không nguy hiểm. Riêng Wynter phải trải qua sáu tháng trong bệnh viện. Đội ngũ y bác sĩ của Foutain Valley Hospital đã phải đối mặt với nhiều thử thách trong cuộc chiến giành lại sự sống cho Wynter. Bản thân cô cũng nhiều lần cận kề với cái chết.

Wynter Hồ cho biết, cô chưa chích vaccine vào thời điểm bị nhiễm Covid-19. Lý do Wynter đưa ra là: “Tôi đã quá bận rộn với công việc. Nhiều lần tôi đã muốn đi chích vaccine nhưng rồi tôi cứ lo làm việc. Lúc đó, với tôi, thật sự là khó để tìm thời gian thích hợp đi tiêm vaccine.”
Những ngày đầu, Wynter bị nhầm lẫn với những triệu chứng của cảm cúm. Nhưng mọi chuyện đã diễn biến rất nhanh sau đó, không đơn giản. Phổi của Wynter bị tổn thương rất nhanh. Cô không thể thở được. Cơ thể trở nên tái xanh. Gia đình cô phải gọi 911 đưa cô vào bệnh viện. Lúc này, Wynter vẫn nghĩ rằng, mình sẽ được mau chóng về nhà.

“Nhưng oxygen của tôi xuống rất thấp. Bác sĩ cho tôi dùng máy trợ thở và ‘put me in sleep’ suốt trong khoảng ba tháng. Tôi hoàn toàn bị hôn mê trong thời gian đó. Phổi của tôi bị xẹp xuống, triệu chứng tràn khí màng phổi,” Wynter kể lại.

Bác sĩ Hoàng Lê, một trong những bác sĩ của Fountain Valley Hospital đã chữa trị cho Wynter xác nhận, cô gái đã trải qua rất nhiều cửa sinh tử để trở lại cuộc sống.

Ông nói, những người đã chích đầy đủ hai mũi vaccine Covid-19 và một mũi tăng cường thì “xác suất nhiễm bệnh thấp hơn những người không chích rất nhiều, và nếu có nhiễm, cũng không bị nặng.”

“Phần lớn những người nhiễm Covid phải vào viện là do phổi của họ bị viêm, không hấp thụ được oxy. Nhưng cũng không có nghĩa là đặt máy thở rồi thì mọi cái sẽ thành công. Có nhiều bệnh nhân phổi của họ ngày càng tệ hơn, dù có dùng máy cũng không đủ lượng oxy cho các bộ phận khác trong cơ thể làm việc”
Theo giải thích chuyên môn của bác sĩ Hoàng Lê, khi một bệnh nhân Covid có triệu chứng tràn khí màng phổi, bệnh viện phải đặt một ống vào lồng ngực để không khí đi ra ngoài.

Tháng Mười, 2021, Wynter thức dậy sau giấc ngủ dài. Cô đã “ngủ” suốt gần ba tháng.

“Tôi rất hoang mang, bối rối. Tôi không biết là mình đã trải qua nhiều tháng như thế. Tôi đã bỏ nhỡ nhiều buổi sinh nhật của những người bạn thân.” Dù đã tỉnh, Wynter vẫn chưa thể ăn uống, nói chuyện, cho đến Tháng Mười Hai, 2021. Thậm chí cho đến nay, cô vẫn chưa thể đi lại bình thường. Do thuốc chữa Covid ảnh hưởng đến khối lượng xương nhất định trong cơ thể nên cô phải chờ khoảng vài tháng để hồi phục. “Hiện nay tôi vẫn đang phải dùng xe lăn” – Wynter nói.

Sáu tháng nằm trên giường bệnh, phải dùng những liều thuốc trị Covid, tóc của Wynder bị rụng khá nhiều. Thêm vào đó, phần da ở lưng bị tổn thương do nằm quá lâu, mặc dù các y tá trong bệnh viện đã liên tục xoay chuyển cơ thể cho cô.

Ngày Wynter Hồ rời bệnh viện về nhà, cũng là ngày cô được tiêm mũi vaccine Covid-19 thứ nhất. Cô nói: “Tôi chưa biết khi nào sẽ chích mũi thứ hai. Bệnh viện nói rằng họ cần phải theo dõi sức khoẻ của tôi để bảo đảm tôi không bị ‘side effect’”

‘Hãy chích vaccine!’

Cô gái 26 tuổi Wynder Hồ nói cô chưa bao giờ chứng kiến nhiều người chết đến thế, cho đến khi cô vào bệnh viện, và “trở về từ cõi chết.” Cô tự nhận “nó rất đáng sợ.” Cô cảm thấy buồn khi thấy các y tá, bác sĩ trong Fountain Valley Hospital phải đối diện với nhiều nguy hiểm để giành lại sự sống cho bệnh nhân.

Nói về trường hợp “vượt qua cửa tử” của Wynter Hồ, bác sĩ Hoàng Lê ghi nhận “đây là câu chuyện may mắn so với nhiều bệnh nhân không may mắn khác trong suốt hơn năm nước Mỹ chống chọi với đại dịch. 

Tuy nhiên, ông cũng nhấn mạnh, “Ở Wynter Hồ có một sức mạnh kiên cường, mãnh liệt chiến đấu chống lại thần chết.” Bên cạnh đó, cô gái có nhiều sự ủng hộ to lớn từ gia đình và toàn bộ đội ngũ bác sĩ của Foutain Valley Hospital.
“Trong bệnh viện không phải một, hai hay ba bác sĩ chữa trị cho một bệnh nhân, mà rất nhiều đội ngũ của các bộ phận khác nhau, từ phòng ngoài cho đến phòng săn sóc đặc biệt. Rất quan trọng là những y tá trong phòng chăm sóc đặc biệt, những người phụ trách máy thở, những bác sĩ ‘therapist’ giúp bệnh nhân hồi phục sức khoẻ, tập cho cách ăn uống, đi đứng trở lại bình thường… Tất cả cùng với gia đình của Wynter giúp cô ấy chiến đấu, biết những gì mình cần làm.” Bác sĩ Hoàng nói qua điện thoại.

Chính vì thế mà Wynter Hồ nói rằng, khi được về nhà, cô rất nhớ những bác sĩ, y tá trong bệnh viện – “Tôi cảm thấy mình đã có một tình cảm gắn bó thân thiết với tất cả mọi người ở đây,” cô nói.

“Hãy chích vaccine, ngay cả khi các bạn không tin vào vaccine. Phải nghĩ đến sự an toàn, không chỉ cho chúng ta, mà còn cho người khác. Bạn có thể bị nhiễm Covid ở bất cứ nơi nào, ngay lúc này, đặc biệt là với biến thể mới, nó lan truyền rất nhanh. Khi tôi ở trong bệnh viện, tôi đã thấy rất nhiều người bị Covid. Rất nhiều người đã qua đời, đặc biệt là những người lớn tuổi.” Wynter nhắn gửi đến tất cả mọi người.

Bác sĩ Hoàng Lê của bệnh viện Foutain Valley Hospital ghi nhận rằng, những người đã chích đầy đủ hai mũi vaccine Covid-19 và một mũi tăng cường thì “xác suất nhiễm bệnh thấp hơn những người không chích rất nhiều, và nếu có nhiễm, cũng không bị nặng.”

~ bài viết về Sách:



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New Re: Corona: Israel cảnh báo: Delta trở lại? Lo sợ Delta trở lại

Post by LDN Sat Jan 22, 2022 5:46 pm

Booster mũi 3: vakzin này khiến kháng thể tăng nhiều nhất:

2 mũi đầu Astrazeneca: Moderna-Booster
2 mũi đầu Biontech: Moderna-Booster
2 mũi đầu Biontech: Johnson&Johnson-Booster
2 mũi đầu Biontech: Astrazeneca-Booster

Đây là kết quả nghiên cứu thử nghiệm ở Anh với gần 3.000 người mà trong đó một nửa trên 70 tuổi.


~ bài viết về Sách:



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New Re: Corona: Israel cảnh báo: Delta trở lại? Lo sợ Delta trở lại

Post by LDN Tue Jan 25, 2022 12:07 pm

Thử nghiệm, nghiên cứu đầu tiên vaccine biontech/pfizer chống omicron với 1420 người.


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New Re: Corona: Israel cảnh báo: Delta trở lại? Lo sợ Delta trở lại

Post by LDN Tue Jan 25, 2022 12:13 pm

Pfizer and BioNTech Initiate Study to Evaluate Omicron-Based COVID-19 Vaccine in Adults 18 to 55 Years of Age


First participants enrolled in clinical trial received Omicron-based vaccine candidate as a two-dose primary series and as a booster dose

NEW YORK and MAINZ, GERMANY, JANUARY 25, 2022 — Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) and BioNTech SE (Nasdaq: BNTX) today announced the initiation of a clinical study to evaluate the safety, tolerability and immunogenicity of an Omicron-based vaccine candidate in healthy adults 18 through 55 years of age. The study will have three cohorts examining different regimens of the current Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine or an Omicron-based vaccine. The study will draw upon some participants from the companies’ Phase 3 COVID-19 booster study and is part of their ongoing efforts to address Omicron and determine the potential need for variant-based vaccines.

“While current research and real-world data show that boosters continue to provide a high level of protection against severe disease and hospitalization with Omicron, we recognize the need to be prepared in the event this protection wanes over time and to potentially help address Omicron and new variants in the future,” said Kathrin U. Jansen, Ph.D., Senior Vice President and Head of Vaccine Research & Development at Pfizer. “Staying vigilant against the virus requires us to identify new approaches for people to maintain a high level of protection, and we believe developing and investigating variant-based vaccines, like this one, are essential in our efforts towards this goal.”

“Vaccines continue to offer strong protection against severe disease caused by Omicron. Yet, emerging data indicate vaccine-induced protection against infection and mild to moderate disease wanes more rapidly than was observed with prior strains,” said Prof. Ugur Sahin, CEO and Co-founder of BioNTech. “This study is part of our science-based approach to develop a variant-based vaccine that achieves a similar level of protection against Omicron as it did with earlier variants but with longer duration of protection.”

The study will evaluate up to 1,420 participants across the three cohorts:

Cohort #1 (n = 615): Received two doses of the current Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine 90-180 days prior to enrollment; in the study, participants will receive one or two doses of the Omicron-based vaccine
Cohort #2 (n = 600): Received three doses of the current Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine 90-180 days prior to enrollment; in the study, participants will receive one dose of the current Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine or the Omicron-based vaccine
Cohort #3 (n=205): Vaccine-naïve participants will receive three doses of the Omicron-based vaccine
Clinical and real-world data continue to find people who are vaccinated, particularly those that have received a booster, maintain a high level of protection against Omicron, particularly against severe disease and hospitalization. The companies have previously announced that they expect to produce four billion doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in 2022, and this capacity is not expected to change if an adapted vaccine is required.

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, which is based on BioNTech’s proprietary mRNA technology, was developed by both BioNTech and Pfizer. BioNTech is the Marketing Authorization Holder in the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, Canada and other countries, and the holder of emergency use authorizations or equivalents in the United States (jointly with Pfizer) and other countries. Submissions to pursue regulatory approvals in those countries where emergency use authorizations or equivalent were initially granted are planned.

U.S. Indication & Authorized Use

The vaccine will be given as an injection into the muscle.

Primary Series:
In individuals 5 years of age and older, the vaccine is administered as a 2-dose series, 3 weeks apart. In individuals 5 years of age and older, a third primary series dose may be administered at least 28 days after the second dose to individuals who are determined to have certain kinds of immunocompromise.

Booster Dose:

A single booster dose of the vaccine may be administered at least 5 months after completion of a primary series of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine or COMIRNATY® (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) to individuals 12 years of age and older
A single booster dose of the vaccine may be administered to individuals 18 years of age and older who have completed primary vaccination with a different authorized COVID-19 vaccine. Individuals should check with their healthcare provider regarding timing of the booster dose

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine has received EUA from FDA to provide:

a 2-dose primary series to individuals 5 years of age and older
a third primary series dose to individuals 5 years of age and older who have been determined to have certain kinds of immunocompromise
a single booster dose to individuals 12 years of age and older who have completed a primary series with Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine or COMIRNATY® (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA)
a single booster dose to individuals 18 years of age and older who have completed primary vaccination with a different authorized COVID-19 vaccine. The booster schedule is based on the labeling information of the vaccine used for the primary series
COMIRNATY® (COVID-19 vaccine, mRNA) is an FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine made by Pfizer for BioNTech.

It is approved as a 2-dose series for prevention of COVID-19 in individuals 16 years of age and older
It is also authorized under EUA to provide:
a 2-dose primary series to individuals 12 through 15 years of age
a third primary series dose to individuals 12 years of age and older who have been determined to have certain kinds of immunocompromise
a single booster dose to individuals 12 years of age and older who have completed a primary series with Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine or COMIRNATY® (COVID-19 vaccine, mRNA)
a single booster dose to individuals 18 years of age and older who have completed primary vaccination with a different authorized COVID-19 vaccine. The booster schedule is based on the labeling information of the vaccine used for the primary series
EUA Statement
Emergency uses of the vaccine have not been approved or licensed by FDA, but have been authorized by FDA, under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in individuals 5 years of age and older. The emergency uses are only authorized for the duration of the declaration that circumstances exist justifying the authorization of emergency use of the medical product under Section 564(b)(1) of the FD&C Act unless the declaration is terminated or authorization revoked sooner. Please see EUA Fact Sheets at www.cvdvaccine-us.com.


Individuals should not get the vaccine if they:

had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of this vaccine
had a severe allergic reaction to any ingredient of this vaccine
Individuals should tell the vaccination provider about all of their medical conditions, including if they:

have any allergies
have had myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) or pericarditis (inflammation of the lining outside the heart)
have a fever
have a bleeding disorder or are on a blood thinner
are immunocompromised or are on a medicine that affects the immune system
are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding
have received another COVID-19 vaccine
have ever fainted in association with an injection
The vaccine may not protect everyone.

Side effects reported with the vaccine include:

There is a remote chance that the vaccine could cause a severe allergic reaction
A severe allergic reaction would usually occur within a few minutes to 1 hour after getting a dose of the vaccine. For this reason, vaccination providers may ask individuals to stay at the place where they received the vaccine for monitoring after vaccination
Signs of a severe allergic reaction can include difficulty breathing, swelling of the face and throat, a fast heartbeat, a bad rash all over the body, dizziness, and weakness
If an individual experiences a severe allergic reaction, they should call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest hospital
Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the lining outside the heart) have occurred in some people who have received the vaccine, more commonly in males under 40 years of age than among females and older males. In most of these people, symptoms began within a few days following receipt of the second dose of the vaccine. The chance of having this occur is very low. Individuals should seek medical attention right away if they have any of the following symptoms after receiving the vaccine:
chest pain
shortness of breath
feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart
Additional side effects that have been reported with the vaccine include:
severe allergic reactions; non-severe allergic reactions such as rash, itching, hives, or swelling of the face; myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle); pericarditis (inflammation of the lining outside the heart); injection site pain; tiredness; headache; muscle pain; chills; joint pain; fever; injection site swelling; injection site redness; nausea; feeling unwell; swollen lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy); decreased appetite; diarrhea; vomiting; arm pain; fainting in association with injection of the vaccine
These may not be all the possible side effects of the vaccine. Serious and unexpected side effects may occur. The possible side effects of the vaccine are still being studied in clinical trials. Call the vaccination provider or healthcare provider about bothersome side effects or side effects that do not go away
Data on administration of this vaccine at the same time as other vaccines have not yet been submitted to FDA. Individuals considering receiving this vaccine with other vaccines, should discuss their options with their healthcare provider.

Patients should always ask their healthcare providers for medical advice about adverse events. Individuals are encouraged to report negative side effects of vaccines to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Visit https://www.vaers.hhs.gov or call 1-800-822-7967. In addition, side effects can be reported to Pfizer Inc. at www.pfizersafetyreporting.com or by calling 1-800-438-1985.

Click for

Fact Sheets and Prescribing Information for individuals 12 years of age and older

Full Prescribing Information (16 years of age and older) DILUTE BEFORE USE, Purple Cap
Full Prescribing Information (16 years of age and older) DO NOT DILUTE, Gray Cap
EUA Fact Sheet for Vaccination Providers (12 years of age and older), Purple Cap
EUA Fact Sheet for Vaccination Providers (12 years of age and older), Gray Cap
Recipients and Caregivers Fact Sheet (12 years of age and older)

Fact Sheets for individuals 5 through 11 years of age

EUA Fact Sheet for Vaccination Providers (5 through 11 years of age), Orange Cap
Recipients and Caregivers Fact Sheet (5 through 11 years of age)

About Pfizer: Breakthroughs That Change Patients’ Lives

At Pfizer, we apply science and our global resources to bring therapies to people that extend and significantly improve their lives. We strive to set the standard for quality, safety and value in the discovery, development and manufacture of health care products, including innovative medicines and vaccines. Every day, Pfizer colleagues work across developed and emerging markets to advance wellness, prevention, treatments and cures that challenge the most feared diseases of our time. Consistent with our responsibility as one of the world's premier innovative biopharmaceutical companies, we collaborate with health care providers, governments and local communities to support and expand access to reliable, affordable health care around the world. For more than 170 years, we have worked to make a difference for all who rely on us. We routinely post information that may be important to investors on our website at www.Pfizer.com. In addition, to learn more, please visit us on www.Pfizer.com and follow us on Twitter at @Pfizer and @Pfizer News, LinkedIn, YouTube and like us on Facebook at Facebook.com/Pfizer.

Pfizer Disclosure Notice

The information contained in this release is as of January 25, 2022. Pfizer assumes no obligation to update forward-looking statements contained in this release as the result of new information or future events or developments.

This release contains forward-looking information about Pfizer’s efforts to combat COVID-19, the collaboration between BioNTech and Pfizer to develop a COVID-19 vaccine, the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine program, and the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, also known as COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) (BNT162b2) (including an Omicron-based vaccine candidate and a study in adults 18 through 55 years of age, an expected multi-arm study in adults above 55 years of age, BNT162b2’s potential against the Omicron variant, qualitative assessments of available data, potential benefits, expectations for clinical trials, the anticipated timing of data readouts, regulatory submissions, regulatory approvals or authorizations and anticipated manufacturing, distribution and supply) involving substantial risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements. Risks and uncertainties include, among other things, the uncertainties inherent in research and development, including the ability to meet anticipated clinical endpoints, commencement and/or completion dates for clinical trials, regulatory submission dates, regulatory approval dates and/or launch dates, as well as risks associated with preclinical and clinical data (including the Phase 3 data), including the possibility of unfavorable new preclinical, clinical or safety data and further analyses of existing preclinical, clinical or safety data; the ability to produce comparable clinical or other results, including the rate of vaccine effectiveness and safety and tolerability profile observed to date, in additional analyses of the Phase 3 trial and additional studies or in larger, more diverse populations following commercialization; the ability of BNT162b2 or a potential variant-based vaccine to prevent COVID-19 caused by emerging virus variants; the risk that more widespread use of the vaccine will lead to new information about efficacy, safety, or other developments, including the risk of additional adverse reactions, some of which may be serious; the risk that preclinical and clinical trial data are subject to differing interpretations and assessments, including during the peer review/publication process, in the scientific community generally, and by regulatory authorities; whether and when additional data from the BNT162 mRNA vaccine program will be published in scientific journal publications and, if so, when and with what modifications and interpretations; whether regulatory authorities will be satisfied with the design of and results from these and any future preclinical and clinical studies; whether and when submissions to request emergency use or conditional marketing authorizations for a potential booster dose, pediatric populations and/or other biologics license and/or emergency use authorization applications or amendments to any such applications may be filed in particular jurisdictions for BNT162b2 or any other potential vaccines that may arise from the BNT162 program, including a potential variant-based vaccine, and if obtained, whether or when such emergency use authorizations or licenses will expire or terminate; whether and when any applications that may be pending or filed for BNT162b2 (including any requested amendments to the emergency use or conditional marketing authorizations) or other vaccines that may result from the BNT162 program may be approved by particular regulatory authorities, which will depend on myriad factors, including making a determination as to whether the vaccine’s benefits outweigh its known risks and determination of the vaccine’s efficacy and, if approved, whether it will be commercially successful; decisions by regulatory authorities impacting labeling or marketing, manufacturing processes, safety and/or other matters that could affect the availability or commercial potential of a vaccine, including development of products or therapies by other companies; disruptions in the relationships between us and our collaboration partners, clinical trial sites or third-party suppliers; the risk that demand for any products may be reduced or no longer exist; risks related to the availability of raw materials to manufacture a vaccine; challenges related to our vaccine’s formulation, schedule and attendant storage, distribution and administration requirements, including risks related to storage and handling after delivery by Pfizer; the risk that we may not be able to successfully develop other vaccine formulations, booster doses or new variant-based vaccines; the risk that we may not be able to create or scale up manufacturing capacity on a timely basis or maintain access to logistics or supply channels commensurate with global demand for our vaccine, which would negatively impact our ability to supply the estimated numbers of doses of our vaccine within the projected time periods as previously indicated; whether and when additional supply agreements will be reached; uncertainties regarding the ability to obtain recommendations from vaccine advisory or technical committees and other public health authorities and uncertainties regarding the commercial impact of any such recommendations; challenges related to public vaccine confidence or awareness; uncertainties regarding the impact of COVID-19 on Pfizer’s business, operations and financial results; and competitive developments.

A further description of risks and uncertainties can be found in Pfizer’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and in its subsequent reports on Form 10-Q, including in the sections thereof captioned “Risk Factors” and “Forward-Looking Information and Factors That May Affect Future Results”, as well as in its subsequent reports on Form 8-K, all of which are filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and available at www.sec.gov and www.pfizer.com.

About BioNTech

Biopharmaceutical New Technologies is a next generation immunotherapy company pioneering novel therapies for cancer and other serious diseases. The Company exploits a wide array of computational discovery and therapeutic drug platforms for the rapid development of novel biopharmaceuticals. Its broad portfolio of oncology product candidates includes individualized and off-the-shelf mRNA-based therapies, innovative chimeric antigen receptor T cells, bi-specific checkpoint immuno-modulators, targeted cancer antibodies and small molecules. Based on its deep expertise in mRNA vaccine development and in-house manufacturing capabilities, BioNTech and its collaborators are developing multiple mRNA vaccine candidates for a range of infectious diseases alongside its diverse oncology pipeline. BioNTech has established a broad set of relationships with multiple global pharmaceutical collaborators, including Genmab, Sanofi, Bayer Animal Health, Genentech, a member of the Roche Group, Regeneron, Genevant, Fosun Pharma and Pfizer. For more information, please visit www.BioNTech.de.

BioNTech Forward-looking Statements

This press release contains “forward-looking statements” of BioNTech within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements may include, but may not be limited to, statements concerning: BioNTech’s efforts to combat COVID-19; the collaboration between BioNTech and Pfizer including the program to develop a COVID-19 vaccine and COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) (BNT162b2) (including the potential of a Omicron-specific COVID-19 vaccine candidate and the clinical study in adults 18-55 years of age, the potential timing for the development of a Omicron-specific COVID-19 vaccine candidate, the testing of BNT162b2 against the Omicron variant, the effectiveness of a third booster dose of BNT162b2 to induce protection against Omicron-induced COVID-19 disease, and the timing for assessment of the effectiveness of a variant-specific COVID-19 vaccine, qualitative assessments of available data, potential benefits, expectations for clinical trials, the anticipated timing of regulatory submissions, regulatory approvals or authorizations and anticipated manufacturing, distribution and supply); our expectations regarding the potential characteristics of BNT162b2 in our clinical trials and/or in commercial use based on data observations to date; the ability of BNT162b2 to prevent COVID-19 caused by emerging virus variants; the expected time point for additional readouts on efficacy data of BNT162b2 in our clinical trials; the nature of the clinical data, which is subject to ongoing peer review, regulatory review and market interpretation; the timing for submission of data for, or receipt of, any marketing approval or Emergency Use Authorization; our contemplated shipping and storage plan, including our estimated product shelf life at various temperatures; the ability of BioNTech to supply the quantities of BNT162 to support clinical development and market demand, including our production estimates for 2022; challenges related to public vaccine confidence or awareness; and uncertainties regarding the impact of COVID-19 on BioNTech’s trials, business and general operations. Any forward-looking statements in this press release are based on BioNTech current expectations and beliefs of future events, and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially and adversely from those set forth in or implied by such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to: the ability to meet the pre-defined endpoints in clinical trials; competition to create a vaccine for COVID-19; the ability to produce comparable clinical or other results, including our stated rate of vaccine effectiveness and safety and tolerability profile observed to date, in the remainder of the trial or in larger, more diverse populations upon commercialization; the ability to effectively scale our productions capabilities; and other potential difficulties.

For a discussion of these and other risks and uncertainties, see BioNTech’s Annual Report as Form 20-F for the Year Ended December 31, 2020, filed with the SEC on March 30, 2021, which is available on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov. All information in this press release is as of the date of the release, and BioNTech undertakes no duty to update this information unless required by law.

Last edited by LDN on Tue Jan 25, 2022 5:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

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New Re: Corona: Israel cảnh báo: Delta trở lại? Lo sợ Delta trở lại

Post by LDN Tue Jan 25, 2022 5:32 pm

Dù có khi nhiễm omicron 0 nặng, chỉ nhẹ thôi, nhưng ~ lý do sau đây khuyên ta nên tránh bị nhiễm:

tuy có lẽ sẽ bị nhẹ, không phải cấp cứu, không phải dùng máy thở, khỏi bệnh trong nhà thương nhanh hơn 3,4 ngày so với khi bị nhiễm Delta, nhưng cho đến giờ các chuyên gia chưa biết rõ, biết nhiều về hậu quả lâu dài 1 khi bị nhiễm omicron.

Là vì để tránh, bảo vệ cho người khác. Có thể chính mình không sao, không bị nặng, nhưng lây cho người khác, trẻ em, người bệnh nền vì thế không thể tiêm ngừa, người già chưa tiêm và người những người khác ấy lại bị nhiễm nặng.

Sẽ tóm tắt thêm những ý chính tôi cho là quan trọng 1 khi có thời gian.


Last edited by LDN on Mon Jan 31, 2022 5:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

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New Re: Corona: Israel cảnh báo: Delta trở lại? Lo sợ Delta trở lại

Post by LDN Wed Jan 26, 2022 12:19 pm

Tuy là tin tốt, nhưng chuyên gia khuyên phải coi chừng, cẩn trọng.

Early evidence suggests Omicron infection could give people 'superimmunity' against future coronavirus variants, but experts warn COVID-19 is still unpredictable

Andrea Michelson Jan 22, 2022 - insider

Man receives vaccine in arm
A stock image of a man receiving a vaccination in his arm.

The combination of vaccination and immunity from natural infection produces strong protection, data suggest.
Most data we have is from the time when Delta was dominant, but emerging evidence suggests the same could be true for Omicron.
Exposure to Omicron and other variants may diversify the immune response to any strain of the virus.

As people rack up boosters and breakthroughs, immunity has become a complicated buzzword in our coronavirus vocabulary.

"Breakthrough" infections surprised a small portion of the vaccinated population and showed us all that our protection is not necessarily variant-proof, although vaccines still work well for preventing severe outcomes.

However, emerging evidence suggests there may be a silver lining for people who got COVID after vaccination: People who are fully vaccinated and have immunity from a prior COVID-19 infection seem to be very well protected against future infection.

The researchers behind one recent study at Oregon Health and Science University, conducted during the Delta wave, described this double-duty protection "superimmunity" — a finding reinforced by recent CDC data suggesting people with both a vaccine and a prior infection were the least likely to contract COVID-19 with Delta.

While data on Omicron is still trickling in, early research out of Austria (not yet peer-reviewed) suggests the same may be true for vaccinated people who got COVID in recent weeks.

But a new type of immunity does not mean the end of COVID-19. It represents yet another fracture in this patchwork pandemic, with some people more protected than others. Another variant could emerge at any point. For public health experts, the worry remains that a COVID-19 infection is unpredictable.

"You'd be crazy to try to get infected with this," Dr. Robert Murphy, of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, told CNN. "It's like playing with dynamite."

Vaccination provides a foundation for 'superimmunity' if you're infected later on
Superimmunity doesn't work without the foundation of vaccination in place — a natural infection alone isn't going to deliver anything beyond normal immunity, potentially high medical bills, and the risks of severe sickness and long COVID.

Vaccinated people who experienced breakthrough infections during the Delta wave produced antibodies at levels up to 1,000% more effective than those generated after a second Pfizer shot.

"Not only is the level of the antibodies high, but the ability to cross-neutralize different variants is remarkably high," Fikadu Tafesse, a co-author of the Oregon study, told Insider.

By exposing your immune system to multiple variants of the same virus, you're essentially showing your body the many forms the coronavirus can take on.

"The vaccines were designed with the original strain, but when you get the breakthroughs, it could be Delta or now Omicron," Tafesse, an assistant professor of microbiology and immunology, added. "It gives you an additional level of complexity in terms of your antibody diversity."

What a natural infections does to the immune system
While you were bedridden with fatigue and body aches, your T cells and B cells were hard at work. These immune warriors are responsible for attacking infected cells and making more antibodies, respectively. The overall result is a better-trained defense plan for the next time your body encounters the virus.

"The whole virus infection trains your immunity in a more complete way than the immunity we get from the vaccine, which is mostly spike protein," Tafesse told Insider.

The vaccines use the spike protein — the virus' weapon for infiltrating our cells — as a shortcut to immunity. But with Omicron, we've learned that an immune response specific to a single protein won't always keep people from getting COVID-19.

It'll take time to track Omicron-induced immunity
The researchers haven't yet gathered the data to understand how superimmunity holds up against Omicron, but Tafesse was optimistic.

"We think that individuals with breakthroughs will have high levels of protection, even from Omicron," he said, but he laughed at the prospect of trying to predict what comes next. "I mean, we say that now it's superimmunity, so what is the next one — super-duper immunity?"

In a recent panel put on by the World Economic Forum, Dr. Anthony Fauci said the questions of whether Omicron would bring the pandemic to an end — or perhaps a slow fizzling out — are tough to answer given the virus' potential to mutate.

"I would hope that that's the case," Tafesse said when asked if COVID-19 would become endemic after Omicron. "But that would only be the case if we don't get another variant that eludes the immune response of the prior variant."

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New Re: Corona: Israel cảnh báo: Delta trở lại? Lo sợ Delta trở lại

Post by LDN Mon Jan 31, 2022 1:22 pm

Tựa bài: Tôi 0 chia sẻ niềm hân hoan Omicron sẽ dẫn dắt chúng ta tới Endemie (tiếng anh: endemic) 2 chuyên gia cảnh báo có thể Delta sẽ trở lại sau làn sóng omicron.

Lời bình ldn: tôi đưa bài viết này lên vì có thể sẽ đưa ~ tin tức tóm tắt đáng quan tâm về lời cảnh báo. Cá nhân tôi rất thích đọc Spiegel tuần báo uy tín, hàng đầu, có nhiều độc giả trong các tuần báo của đức. Có những bài viết đi sâu vào vấn đề, có nhiều thông tin trong 1 đề tài, hoàn toàn 0 phải loại báo đăng tin giật gân để câu khách. Nếu Spiegel dẫn lời của chuyên gia thì họ có lý do khi nói như vậy, 0 phải dọa chơi cho vui ví dụ.


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