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Singapore Airlines turbulence incident

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Singapore Airlines turbulence incident Empty Singapore Airlines turbulence incident

Post by 8DonCo Tue May 21, 2024 12:58 pm

Number of injured passengers rises to 71, according to hospital

Video and photos from inside aircraft show damage after flight's emergency landing in Bangkok

From CNN's Lauren Said-Moorhouse

Video filmed after Singapore Airlines SQ321 was diverted to Bangkok shows a passenger being carried from the aircraft on a stretcher by emergency responders.
Giving a sense of just how violent the turbulence might have been, the footage provided by Reuters shows overhead compartments open with emergency oxygen air masks hanging down from the ceiling.
On the tarmac outside, ambulances and medical workers can be seen waiting to assist. Those needing medical assistance appear to have been escorted off the plane first as other travelers waited onboard.
Singapore Airlines turbulence incident Da46b1a5-5d51-457f-becb-e5617d4d0548The galley of Singapore Airlines flight SQ321 is pictured after an emergency landing at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi International Airport on Tuesday. Stringer/Reuters
Other images taken after passengers had apparently disembarked showed the damage on board.
A photograph of one galley showed a section of the ceiling open with parts of the plane's interior hanging haphazardly from the ceiling. Trays, containers, plastic bottles and hot beverage pots can be seen strewn across the floor.

Person who died on Singapore Airlines flight was British

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