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Chuyện Ma - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Thu Aug 17, 2023 11:34 pm

Muốn đính chính sau khi đọc Voices in the Dark, thì các spirits không phải dùng cổ họng cuả Leslie Flynt để thoát ra tiếng.  Có hơn một giọng cùng lúc cũng được và ông Flynt bị tested bằng cách dán kín miệng lại trong lúc seance.  Ngoài ra, dù là có khiếu này nhưng ông Flynt đã mất nhiều năm để phát triển, đến một lúc ông đang trong rạp cinê tối thì các giọng nói phát ra làm ông phải đi về.

Mình mới biết đến kiểu medium này lần đầu.


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Chuyện Ma - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Sat Aug 19, 2023 1:15 pm

..Continue with Imagine Heaven.

Alive in New Dimensions:

"As a neurosurgeon, I'd heard many stories over the years of people who had strange experiences, usually after suffering cardiac arrests: stories of traveling to mysterious, wonderful landscapes; of talking to dead relatives--even of meeting God himself.  Wonderful stuff, no question.  But all of it, in my opinion, was pure fantasy ...  If you don't have a working brain, you can't be conscious.  This is because the brain is the machine that produces consciousness in the first place.  When the machine brakes down, consciousness stops...  Pull the plug and the TV goes dead.  The show is over, no matter how much you might have been enjoying it.  Or so I would have told you before my own brain crashed.

My experience showed me that the death of the body and the brain are not the end of consciousness, that human experience continues beyond the grave.  More important, it continues under the gaze of a God who loves and cares about each one of us and about where the universe itself and all the beings within it are ultimately going.  The place I went was real.  Real in a way that makes the life we're living here and now completly dreamlike by comparison...

I went through the opening and found myself in a completely new world.  The strangest, most beautiful world I's ever seen.  Brilliant, vibrant, ecstatic, stunning...  I could heap on one adjective after another to describe what this world looked and feel like, but they'd all fall short.  I felt like I was being born...

Below me there was countryside.  It was green, lush, and earthlike.  It was earth... but at the same time it wasn't...  I was flying, passing over trees and fields, streams and waterfalls, and playing.  The people sang and danced around in circles, and sometimes I'd see a dog, running and jumping among them....

Meanwhile, I was in a place of clouds.  Big, puffy, pink-white ones that showed up sharply against the deep blue-black sky.  Higher than the clouds--immeasurably higher--flocks of transparent orbs, shimmering beings arced across the sky, leaving long, streamer-like line behind them.  Birds?  Angels?  ....  A sound, huge and booming like a glorious chant, came down from above, and I wondered if the winged beings where producing it.  Again thinking about it later, it occurred to me that the joy of these creatures, as they soared along, was such that they had to make this noise--that if the joy didn't come out of them this way then they would simply not otherwise be able to contain it..

How long did I reside in this world?  I have no idea.  When you go to a place where there's no sense of time as we experience it in the ordinary world, accurately describing the way it feels is next to impossible... I saw that there are countless higher dimensions, but that the only way to know these dimensions is to enter and experience them directly.  They cannot be known, or understood, from lower dimensional space.  Cause and effect exist in these higher realms, but outside of our earthly conception of them.  The world of time and space which we move in this [earthy] terrestrial realm is tightly and intricately meshed within these higher worlds.  In other words, these worlds aren't totally apart from us, because all words are part of the same overarching divine Reality.  From those higher worlds one could access any time or place in our world...

Because I experience the nonlinear nature of time in the spiritual world so intensely, I can now understand why so much writing on the spiritual dimension can seem distorted or simply nonsensical from our earthly perspective.  In the worlds above this one, time simple doesn't behave as it does here.  It's not necessarily one-thing-after-another in those worlds.  A moment can seem like a lifetime, and one or several lifetimes can seem like a moment."


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Chuyện Ma - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Sat Aug 19, 2023 1:50 pm

The highlight of many NDEs, for all who claim to have come near, is this mystical Being of Light who fills them with a love beyond imagination.  After reading close to a thousand NDE accounts, the characteristics of the Being of Light they report seem amazingly consistent with what the Old Testament prophets and Jesus revealed.

Dr. Bruce Greyson, studying cross-cultural NDEs, concludes, "Even the cross-cultural differences observed suggest that it is not the core experience that differs but the ways in which people interpret what they have experienced."  They are describing the Heaven of the bliblical prophets:

"As I kept looking, thrones were set up and the One Who has lived forever took His seat.  His clothing was as white as snow and the hair of His head was like pure wool.  His throne and its wheels were burning fire [describing brillant light],...  The judge was seated, and The Books were opened...[and I] saw One like a Sonof Man coing with the clouds of heaven.  He came to the One Who has lived forever, and was brought before Him.  And He was given power and shing-greatness, and was made King, so that all the people of every nation and language would serve Him.  His rule lasts forever.  It will never pass away. (Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14 NLV)"

Daniel sees God surrounded by brilliant light, books are opened, and one like a Son of Man, the Jewish Messiah, is given supreme authority and rule over all nations.  (The Dead Sea Scrolls attest that Daniel was written before Jesus's birth.)

When you look at the characteristics of the God described by the ancient Jewish prophets, it's amazing how NDEers seem to be experiencing either the same wonderful God, or and amazingly good counterfeit.


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Chuyện Ma - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by LoveStory08 Sat Aug 19, 2023 2:42 pm

Phuoc wrote:..Continue with Imagine Heaven.

Alive in New Dimensions:

"As a neurosurgeon, I'd heard many stories over the years of people who had strange experiences, usually after suffering cardiac arrests: stories of traveling to mysterious, wonderful landscapes; of talking to dead relatives--even of meeting God himself.  Wonderful stuff, no question.  But all of it, in my opinion, was pure fantasy ...  If you don't have a working brain, you can't be conscious.  This is because the brain is the machine that produces consciousness in the first place.  When the machine brakes down, consciousness stops...  Pull the plug and the TV goes dead.  The show is over, no matter how much you might have been enjoying it.  Or so I would have told you before my own brain crashed.

My experience showed me that the death of the body and the brain are not the end of consciousness, that human experience continues beyond the grave.  More important, it continues under the gaze of a God who loves and cares about each one of us and about where the universe itself and all the beings within it are ultimately going.  The place I went was real.  Real in a way that makes the life we're living here and now completly dreamlike by comparison...

I went through the opening and found myself in a completely new world.  The strangest, most beautiful world I's ever seen.  Brilliant, vibrant, ecstatic, stunning...  I could heap on one adjective after another to describe what this world looked and feel like, but they'd all fall short.  I felt like I was being born...

Below me there was countryside.  It was green, lush, and earthlike.  It was earth... but at the same time it wasn't...  I was flying, passing over trees and fields, streams and waterfalls, and playing.  The people sang and danced around in circles, and sometimes I'd see a dog, running and jumping among them....

Meanwhile, I was in a place of clouds.  Big, puffy, pink-white ones that showed up sharply against the deep blue-black sky.  Higher than the clouds--immeasurably higher--flocks of transparent orbs, shimmering beings arced across the sky, leaving long, streamer-like line behind them.  Birds?  Angels?  ....  A sound, huge and booming like a glorious chant, came down from above, and I wondered if the winged beings where producing it.  Again thinking about it later, it occurred to me that the joy of these creatures, as they soared along, was such that they had to make this noise--that if the joy didn't come out of them this way then they would simply not otherwise be able to contain it..

How long did I reside in this world?  I have no idea.  When you go to a place where there's no sense of time as we experience it in the ordinary world, accurately describing the way it feels is next to impossible... I saw that there are countless higher dimensions, but that the only way to know these dimensions is to enter and experience them directly.  They cannot be known, or understood, from lower dimensional space.  Cause and effect exist in these higher realms, but outside of our earthly conception of them.  The world of time and space which we move in this [earthy] terrestrial realm is tightly and intricately meshed within these higher worlds.  In other words, these worlds aren't totally apart from us, because all words are part of the same overarching divine Reality.  From those higher worlds one could access any time or place in our world...

Because I experience the nonlinear nature of time in the spiritual world so intensely, I can now understand why so much writing on the spiritual dimension can seem distorted or simply nonsensical from our earthly perspective.  In the worlds above this one, time simple doesn't behave as it does here.  It's not necessarily one-thing-after-another in those worlds.  A moment can seem like a lifetime, and one or several lifetimes can seem like a moment."

An orb can have color too! Theyre just a ball of ẻnergy


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Chuyện Ma - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Sat Aug 19, 2023 4:34 pm

Love, yes orbs have colors, and their outside/auras also have colors.

What Does an Orb's Color Mean?

Assuming that the little floating spheres of colored light are conscious, sentient beings, could it be possible that the orbs' colors (and their aura colors) represent the entities' personalities, emotional states, or intentions? Many experts believe so.

In his book Journey of Souls, Dr. Michael Newton provides a chart designed for the classification of soul development by color coding, which denotes a soul’s level of learning and whether or not they are ready and able to serve others as a spiritual guide.

Although different experts impart slightly different theories as to the meanings of the colors of orbs, or souls (spirits), the one common denominator throughout the area of study is that the orb or aura color is representative of the entity’s spiritual state (state of consciousness) and level of development.



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Chuyện Ma - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Sat Aug 19, 2023 5:24 pm

God Is Personal:

Steve Miller also reports NDErs who confirm the personal, loving, all-knowing nature of this Being:

"I went through this dark, black vacuum at super speed.  You could compare it to a tunnel... I saw a bright light, and on my way there I heard beautiful music and I saw colors I'd never seen before.  [The light] was of a kind of I'd never seen before and that differs from any other kind such as sunlight.  It was white and extremely bright, and yet you could easily look at it.  It's the pinnacle of everything there is.  Of energy, of love especially, of warmth, of beauty.  I was immersed in a feeling of total love.

... From the moment the light spoke to me, I felt really good--secure and loved.  The love which came from it is just unimaginable, indescribable.  It was a fun person to be with!  And it had a sense of humor, too--definitely!  I never wanted to leave the presence of this being.  

My whole life so far appeared to be placed before me in a kind of panoramic, three-dimensional review, and each event seemed to be accompanied by an awareness of good and evil or by an insight into its cause and effect.  Throughout, I not only saw everthing from my own point of view, but also knew the thoughts of everybody who'd been involved in these events... And throughtout, the review stressed the importance of love."


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Chuyện Ma - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Sat Aug 19, 2023 6:07 pm

The Life Review:

"I was shown events in my life, not in isolation but in the context of their unseen ripple effects.  It is easy for us all to see the impact of  our words or actions may have on our immediate surroundings,  but to see the impact of events or words dozens of times removed was profoundly powerful.  Through this experience, I was able to clearly see that every action, every decision, and every human interaction impacts the bigger world in far more significant ways than we could ever be capable of appreciating.  As one might imagine, this was a profound part of my experience."

The life review of NDErs experience seems to be a preview.  It's not the judgment, but it is an opportunity to live for what truly lasts.  Don't wait for your life review to live for what matters!


"I would describe this as a long series of feelings based on numerous actions in my life.  The difference was that not only did I experience the feelings again, but I had some sort of empatheric sense of the feelings of those around me who were affected by my actions.... I was adopted as an infant.  I had been somewhat of a troublemaker.  I sometimes hurt other children when smaller and had taken to drug and alcohol abuse, stealing, crazy driving, bad grades, vandalism, cruelty to my sister, cruelty to animals--the list goes on and on.  All of these actions were relived in a nutshell, with the associated feelings of both myself and the parties involved.  But the most profound was a strange sense coming from my mother.  I could feel how she felt to hear of my death.  She was heartbroken and in great pain...  I got a sense that it was such a stragedy to have had this life end so soon, having never really done much good.  This feeling left me with a sense of having unfinished business in life."


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Chuyện Ma - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Sat Aug 19, 2023 6:42 pm

Rewards and Judgments

One of the most fascinating observations of NDErs correlates with Scripture's teaching of books in Heaven recording all our deeds.  Marv Besteman recalls seeing these during his NDE: "Piles on top of this shelf or table made of stones were books upon books upon books, stacked up three to four books high, all along the surface both left and right."

Heaven seems to have both a panoramic visual replay and books of record.  The concept of Karma--accumulation of merits and demerits--may have been vaguely suggested by reports of a 'white robe man with a book of accounts'.

"I was waiting in line at first, behind all these people.  And then it was my turn.  And I was standing in front of this BIG guys, who I think was an angel.  He was holding this BIG book...  The angel guy asked me for my name, and I told him.  When he looked for it he said, 'I'm sorry but it's not your time.'  So I said to him, 'Why is it not my time?  I'm ready to die!  My life sucks!  My best friend died five years ago!  Why is it not my time?  And then he turned around as if someone was talking to him and turned back around to me again and said, 'Someone wants to talk to you.'  Then he pointed to the gate with the city behind it... It was Jake.   You see, Jake, my best friend, died in a car accident 5 years ago.  We were both seven years old, and when I saw him there I ran to the gate as fast as I could!  We both reached out and grabbed each other's hands and cried.  He looked my age, but I knew it was him.  We talked for a while, and the the angel said, 'It's time for you to go back."


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Chuyện Ma - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by LoveStory08 Sat Aug 19, 2023 7:13 pm

Phuoc wrote:Love, yes orbs have colors, and their outside/auras also have colors.

What Does an Orb's Color Mean?

Assuming that the little floating spheres of colored light are conscious, sentient beings, could it be possible that the orbs' colors (and their aura colors) represent the entities' personalities, emotional states, or intentions? Many experts believe so.


This is interesting..I wonder what green orb mean..


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Chuyện Ma - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Sat Aug 19, 2023 7:34 pm

greens:  neutrality; healing; communication; psychic development

Bright Green

If you need healing, this orb will pop. Green is the color of medicinal orbs. You may see one of these orbs if you are mentally or physically unwell.


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Chuyện Ma - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by LoveStory08 Sat Aug 19, 2023 7:48 pm

Phuoc wrote:greens:  neutrality; healing; communication; psychic development

Bright Green

If you need healing, this orb will pop. Green is the color of medicinal orbs. You may see one of these orbs if you are mentally or physically unwell.
Thx bro..


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Chuyện Ma - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Sun Aug 20, 2023 11:51 am

Love, my pleasure.  Happy Sunday.

Professor Howard Storm recalls during his NDE,

"In my conversation with Jesus and the angels, they told me... God knows eveyrthing that will happen and, more important, God knows everything that could happen.  From one moment to the next, God is aware of every possible variable of every event and each outcome.  God doesn't control or dictate the outcome of every event, which would be a violation of God's creation... Every living creature has its own will that must be expressed...  The outcome will always serve God's ultimate purpose, no matter how long or how impossible it appear to us.

Angels can move through time and space as easily as thinking.  The laws of physical nature do not bind angels.  Angels are areware of and protect us from forces we don't know or aren't capable of imagining.  Our angels are ever vigilant to protect us from evil that originates from other dimensions of the unknown universes.  We don't have to worry about it.  We should just be glad they are keeping us safe.  there exist supernatural beings that seek chaos.  They have no power over us except the power we give them.  They are known as demons, the devil or evil spirits."


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Chuyện Ma - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Sun Aug 20, 2023 1:53 pm

Howard Storm also experienced hell:

"A terrible sense of dread was growing within me.  This experience was too real.  In some ways I was more aware and sensitive than I had ever been...  When I looked around I was horrified to discover that we were in complete darkness.  The hopelessness of my situation overwhelmed me.  I told them I would go no farther, to leave me alone...  Then they began to push and shove me about.  I began to fight back.  A wild frenzy of taunting, screaming, and hitting ensued.  I fought like a wild man.  As I swung and kicked at them,  they hit and tore back at me.  All the while it was obvious that they were having great fun.  Even though I couldn't see anything in the darkness, I was aware that there were dozens or hundreds of them all around and over me.  My attempts to fight back only provoked greater merriment...  Every new assault brought howls of cophonous laughter.  They began to tear off pieces of my flesh.  To my horror, I realized that I was being taken apart and eaten alive, methodically, slowly, so that their entertainment would last as long as possible...

These creatures were once human beings.  The best way I can described them is to think of the worst imaginable person stripped of every impulse of compassion...  They were a mob of beings totally driven by unbridled cruelty.  In that darkness I had intense physical contact with them when they swarmed over me.  Their bodies felt exactly as human bodies...

Eventually I became too badly torn up and too broken to resist.  Most of them gave up tormenting me because I was no longer amusing...  I haven't described everthing that happened.  There are things that I don't care to remember.  In fact, much that occurred was simply too gruesome and disturbing to recall.  I've spent years trying to suppress a lot of it.  After the experience, whenever I did remember those details, I would become traumatized...

As I lay on the ground, my tormentors swarming around me, a voice emerged from my chest.  It sounded like my voice, but it wasn't a thought of mine...  "Pray to God."  I remember thinking.  "Why? What a stupid idea.  That doesn't work.  What a cop-out."  Lying here in this darkness, surrounded by hideous creatures.  I don't believe in God.  This is utterly hopeless, and I am beyong any possible help whether I believe in God or not.  I don't pray, period.

A second time, the voice spoke to me, "Pray to God."  It was recognizably my voice, but I had not spoken.  Pray how?  Pray what?  I hadn't pray at any time in my entire adult life.  I didn't know how to pray...  That voice said it again, "Pray to God!"

Howard struggled to remember any prayers from childhood, anything with God's name in it, so he just pieced together all he could recall into a rag-tag prayer of desperation.

"Yea, though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me.  For purple mountian majesty, mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.  Deliver us from evil.  One nation under God.  God Bless America."

To my amazement, the cruel, merciless beings tearing the life out of me were incited to rage by my ragged prayer.  It was as if I were throwing boiling oil on them.  They screamed at me, "There is no God!  Who do you think you're talking to?  Nobody can hear you!  Now we are really going to hurt you."  They spoke in the most obscene language, worse than any blasphemy said on earth.  But at the same time, they were backing away.  I could still hear their voices in the utter darkness, but they were getting more and more distant.  I realized that saying things about God was actually driving them away.  I became a little more forceful with what I was saying...

I knew they were far away but could return.  I was alone, destroyed, and yet painfully alive in this revoltingly horrible place.  I had no idea where I was...  I was alone in that darkness for time without measure.  I thought about what I had done.  All my life I had thought that hard work was what counted.  My life was devoted to building a monument to my ego.  My family, my sculptures, my painting, my house, my gardens, my little fame, my illusions of power, were all an extension of my ego.  All of these things were gone now, and what did they matter? ...

All of my life, I'd fought a constant undertone of anxiety, fear, dread, and angst.  If I could become famous, I could defeat powerlessness and beat death...  I didn't belong to any clubs or orgnaizations.  In spite of the narcissistic appearance, I didn't like myself, and I didn't like other people, either.

As Howard lay alone in the dark, feeling himself slipping away into hopelessness, a song he hadn't heard since childhood came into his head: "Jesus loves me, da, da, da."  He could remember but three words, yet it tapped deep into a longing and ignited a tiny spark of hope.

"I wanted it to be true that Jesus loved me.  I didn't know how to express what I wanted and needed, but with every bit of my last ounce of strength, I yelled out into the darkness, 'Jesus, save me.' ...  I have never meant anything more strongly in my life.

Far off in the darkness I saw a pinpoint of light like the faintest star in the sky...   The star was rapidly getting brighter and brighter... the light was more intense and more beautiful than anything I had ever seen.  It was brighter than the sun, brighter than a flash of lightning.  Soon the light was upon me.  I knew that while it was indescribably brillant, it wasn't just light.  This was a living being, a luminous being... surrounded by an oval of radiance.  The brilliant intensity of the light penetrated my body.  Ecstasy swept away the agony.  Tangible hands and arms gently embraced me and lifted me up.  I slowly rose up into the presence of the light and the torn pieces of my body miraculously healed before my eyes...

This loving luminous being who embraced me knew me intimately.  He knew me better than I knew myself.  He was knowledge and wisdom.  I knew that he knew everything about me.  I was unconditionally loved and accepted.  He was King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Christ Jesus the Savior.  Jesus does love me, I thought...  I had called out to Jesus and he came to rescue me.  I cried and cried from joy, and the tears kept coming.  He held me and caressed me like a mother with her baby, like a father with his long-lost prodigal son.  I cried all the tears of a lifetime of hopelessness and tears of shame over my unbelief.  I cried all the tears of joy and salvation.  I cried like a baby and couldn't stop crying.  

He held me close and stroked my back.  We rose upward, gradually at first, and then like a rocket we shot out of that dark and detestable hell.  We traversed an enormous distance, light-years although very little time elapsed.

Off in the distance far, far away,  I saw a vast area of illumination that looked like a galaxy.  In the center was an enormously bright concentration of light.  Outside the center, countless millions of spheres of light were flying about, entering and leaving that great concentration of light at the center....  While moving toward the presence of the great light, center of all being.  The One, I was beyond thought.  It is not possible to articulate what occured.  Simply, I knew that God loved me, that God loved creation, that God is love."


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Chuyện Ma - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Sun Aug 20, 2023 2:33 pm

George Ritchie observed what felt like some level of hell on earth.

George claimed Jesus took him on a tour of what seemed to be "levels" of hell.  

"Lord Jesus!" I cried.  "Where are we?"

"At first I thought we were looking at some great battlefield: everywhere people were locked in what looked like fights to the death, writhing, punching, gouging...  They could not kill, though they clearly wanted to, because their intended victims were already dead...  These creatures seemed locked into habits of mind and emotion, into hatred, lust, destructive thought patterns.

Even more hideous than the bites and kicks they exchanged were the sexual abuses many were performing in feverish pantomime...  And the thoughts most frequently communicated had to do with the superior knowledge, or abilities, or background of the thinker.  "I told you so!" "I always knew!" "Didn't I warn you!" were shrieked into the echoing air over and over...  In these yelps of envy and wounded self-importance I heard myself all to well.

Once again, however, no condemnation came from the Presence at my side, only a compassion for these unhappy creatures that was breaking His heart.  Clearly it was not His will that nay one of them should be in this place."

George wondered why they didn't just get away from each other--no one was making them stay and take such abuse, but then he had a sick thought.  What if they actually seek out others like themselves, with kind of a sick consolation of finding like-minded people, yet all they can do is hurl abuses at each other?  It struck him, "Perhaps it was not Jesus who had abandoned them, but they who had fled from the Light."  Jesus warned of an "outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth" (Mathew 25:30 NLT).  Is that what Howard Storm and George Ritchie experienced?



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Chuyện Ma - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Sun Aug 20, 2023 3:52 pm

Người đàn ông Cần Thơ CHẾT đi Sống lại hết Mù hết Câm



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Chuyện Ma - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Sun Aug 20, 2023 4:40 pm

Quên mất, mình biết site này có nhiều chuyện NDE lắm nè có cả của một người việt:




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Chuyện Ma - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Tue Aug 22, 2023 4:45 pm

Bây giờ đến quyển sách này, young children's memories of heaven.  Countless people gave us almost identical stories about children report how they remembered choosing their parents for this journey, how they had invisible friends that only they could see, memories of past lives in the same family, visitations with God and and on.


"When my son, Dustin, was around two years of age, we were riding around in the car and he hit himself on the forhead with his hand--kind of like the commercial that states, 'I could've had a V8.'  And said, 'Mama, I'm starting to forget what heaven looks like.'"


"My two-year-old never wavered in her conviction that I was pregnant with her brother. My husband and I chose not to find out, but I didn't want her to be disappointed. So I said, 'We may be having a girl.'

'No!' declared my daughter. 'I met him in heaven before I was born.'

She was right---we had a boy!"


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Chuyện Ma - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Tue Aug 22, 2023 5:08 pm

"My father (Grandpa Jones) passed away in the spring of 1998, and my granddaughter was born that fall.  When she was about two years old, Afton was sitting in her car seat, looking out at my mother, who was standing near the car.  My granddaughter said, 'I'm so sad for her because she lost the one she loved and is so sad.'

Afton's parents quizzed her on how she would have known that, and showed her a picture of Grandpa Jones when they arrived home.  She said, 'Oh, I know him...  I talked to him before I came here!'

We were all so thrilled to hear those remarks from Afton, as she was fairly fresh from heaven and very emphatic about what she was talking about."


"When my son was three years old, learning to tie his shoes, he looked up at me and said, 'I used to be a man before, but I guess I will have to learn how to do this again.'"


"One night I was sitting on my couch rocking my colicky infant son, PJ, with my three-year-old daughter, Angelica, next to me.  I was getting a little frustrated with PJ because he never slept.  My daughter said, 'Mom, you need to be patient with us because we picked you in heaven.'  She went on to explain that she sat up in heaven and decided with God whom she should pick as a mom and dad--she waited until she could pick the perfect ones.  When she saw her dad and me, she told God that she was ready to go.  Angelica said that her brother had done the same thing, so I need to be patient with him.  

Wow!  Everything I did as a parent and as a person changed at that moment.  As a profession, I teach multiple handicapped students, and I realize that patience and tolerance and kindness are the most important gifts that I can give while I am on this earth."


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Chuyện Ma - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Tue Aug 22, 2023 5:30 pm

"My son, Noah, who is now six years old, has been intuitive from the moment he entered this lifetime.  He knows all about his chakras and spirit guides, and talks quietly in his room to his spirit guide 'Bill' often.  I even have a video of him playing while orbs were dancing all around him!

Noah often puts his hands on my head, arm, or stomach when I'm not feeling well, and within minutes I feel 100 percent better.  He is a beautiful, bright, shining light, and I am blessed to be his mommy!  He is my greatest teacher.  

A couple of years ago, I asked him, 'Noah, what are angels like?'  'Mommy, you know!'

I replied, 'No, I forget because I'm older!  You're young--you just came from there--so I'd really like to know!'

Without pausing he said, 'They are sometimes purple, sometimes all colors, and big and bright.  They love lots.  I play with the angels lots.  When you were ready for me, the angels cried because they were said I was leaving them.  They only cry when their babies go, but they were happy we picked you!'

My little four-year-old, with wisdom in his eyes deeper than any ocean on this earth, truly moved me.  I teared up, hugged him and said, 'I'm so happy you picked me too!"


".......Upon Benjamin's birth, it was determined that he swam in and out of the hole in my damaged tubes toward my uterus for implantation.  At three months' gestation, I felt him move and kick, but the doctor said that was unlikely.  When I was serveral months along, the doctor noticed bruises on my stomach, which was extremely unusual--my son was so active and strong that he'd bruised me from the inside out.

Benjamin spoke very well from a young age.  For example, when he as about two and half, he would repeatedly tell me that he remembered being in my belly and what it was like.  When he would say that he didn't want to come out, I would think of his long birth via C-section--our doctor had joked that the baby was holding on to my ribs and heart and didn't want out.  The doctor said he'd never seen anything like that.

When Benjamin was around three, one day he told me that he 'chose' his dad and me, and over the next few years, he continued to tell my husband and me that he wanted us to be his parents and had chosen us.  It was so surprising but very loving and sweet for our baby to tell us that.

Our son passed away unexpectedly.  He was very spirited and intuitive, and our gift from God.  He was only here for a short time and touched many lives, a true angel."


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Chuyện Ma - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Tue Aug 22, 2023 5:49 pm

Role Reversals

I have a four-year-old son whose name is Noah.  He never knew his grandfather (my father), as he passed away in 2002.  About a year ago, we were spending an afteroon together.  At some point completely out the blue, as we were walking up the stairs, he turned around and said, 'You know, Daddy, when you were my age, I was your daddy!'

The first thought that crossed my mind was, Could he actually be my father's reincarnation?  Then I asked, 'How do you know that?'  To which he simply responded, 'I know.'"


I can remember being two years old and having lunch with my mother, when I looked at her and felt to the depths of my soul what I said to her: 'I used to be your mommy; now you're mine.'  I never forgot it but kept it to my myself.

Years later, my own daughter turned to me one afternoon and said, 'I used to be your mommy, and now you're mine.'  That was so profound for me, and I knew the feeling I had as a child was confirmed.  If you think about it, we were in reverse in another life."


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